You probably still
remember our little misadventures in Mater Dei hospital. So guess what? Yes,
you are completely right, just few days ago we had another chance to admire
amazing service at the Emergency. On Saturday we decided to make a short
daytrip to Gnejna Bay. We climbed few rocky hills and were already heading
towards Golden Bay while my friend
slipped on something similar to the wet gravel and fall into the bushes. When
she stood up we noticed that some part of her wrist skin had been badly cut.
So, we rushed to the hospital (of course it took one hour to get there, thank
you, Arriva) cause we have suspected that her arm needs stitches. At the Emergency
they wanted us to wait but my friend shouted that she is not going to bleed
here and wants to see the doctor immediately. She was sent to the area 1 where
they told her to wait at the Emergency hall for the announcement to go to the
area 3. Here we painfully learned that my friend needs to wait at least three
hours to get her arm stitched. Some swear words and loud dissatisfaction had
followed. We left our friend at the Emergency and went home to get something to
eat. When we came back we found our friend still waiting and playing Angry Birds
on her phone. It was around 21 o’clock when the real fun began. They brought in
a handcuffed guy who sat right next to me. I looked at his guards and started doubting the
possibility of the happy ending that day. One guy was extremely slim and old as
the world and another one, in the army uniform, had some serious overweight
issues. I looked again at the handcuffed guy and realized that he is pretty
athletic and could easily outrun those two men and probably take me as his
hostage. There was no time to think more on this matter cause really
interesting things started happening around us. People began to flow in, to get
registered and of course to go and find the place to wait. There were few
people with high fever, horrible headaches, bleeding noses and one unconscious teenager
in a wheelchair. We looked at him at asked each other: “Is he also going to
wait?”. We had
Meh, it's just a stroke, doctor will see you in
5 hours
suspected that he is completely drunk, but still needed to wait
at least 20 minutes. Finally, after 3.5 hours of waiting my friend got called
to see the doctor. I have volunteered to keep her company while her arm got
stick with medical glue. It caused a lot of pain to her but it was still better
than stitching it the old-fashioned way. So, the gluing was done, doctor
invited one hospital volunteer to talk with us and started asking if my friend
had all the necessary vaccinations when she was a kid. He started talking about
some severe infections which can be fatal and lead to the amputation of the
arm. I was listening to all those things and started feeling a pain in my
stomach. I began suffocating and passed out for a few seconds while trying to
sit on the hospital gurney. That volunteer kept my legs in the air while I got
my consciousness back and started to laugh hysterically. Oh, the doctor failed
to care at all about my dramatic fainting, he just continued writing down the
necessary vaccinations. In the end we managed to leave area 3, but when we were
going through the door, one man in the Emergency waiting hall passed out.
Unfortunately, no one paid attention and just continued watching ‘Liar liar’ on
the telly. Finally, a nurse came and
with no emotion on her face started slowly getting that unconscious men on the gurney.
I can’t tell what happened next cause we were too happy to get out of the
hospital. Conclusions? I definitely have no future in the medical field and we
will probably be asked to give up our EU citizenship cause we are starting to
cost too much for the European Union.