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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

When technology meets a Maltese Man. (part 2)

So, last week we had our first individual presentations. We’ve been a little bit suspicious when lecturer asked to send him our finished work cause, as everyone knows, none of the rooms have a computer. The lecture started with the hope that our tutor will bring his laptop and after blowing dusts from the projector everyone will start their walk towards guillotine. As you’ve already suspected one of the gentlemen in the crowd had to volunteer and give his laptop for a public use. That’s not a worst part. The projector which was connected to the computer kept switching off every 3-5min in this way bringing more stress to every presenter. The only way to revive that bloody thing was to unplug it and plug it again. Everyone had a 5 min presentation to deliver. Can you imagine yourself talking in front of the crowd of 26 people, shacking as hell, trying to remember what you want to say and being interrupted by this “little” technical difficulty? I was the last one to get my 5 minutes of glory. Unfortunately, after 3,5 hours of use laptop’s battery was running low and I could clearly see that there won’t be enough energy for my presentation. I had million of ideas running through my head, such as, making a dash for my laptop at home, killing someone, crying. I’ve even remembered that lecture without electricity and was ready to test my ability to talk without visual material. In the end another coursemate offered her super small laptop and I was given an opportunity to tremble in front of my colleagues. Can’t wait for another presentation…


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